Educational Video Prospectus

Educational Video
Prospectus Package

The emergence of video and visual imagery in our lives has increased immensely and many businesses; academies and organisations are moving away from print media and are growing their online presence with video content.

The video prospectus brings to life what it’s really like at your school, college, university or academy. The film would capture the thoughts and feelings of students and staff as well as displaying the facilities. Our aim is to convert your booklet prospectus to video.

Schools and academies in and outside of London have already done so in producing a video for their website and have seen the benefits from feedback to student applications increasing. The video would transform your site and illustrate that your School is not only a great school but a school willing to move with the times in a technology-driven world for the benefit of future students.


We would work closely with the school to decide what you would like included in this video prospectus.

The video can be included on your website , shown at open evenings, added to your social media platforms or sent directly to students who have expressed an interest in coming to your school.


As a company our ethos is creating quality video, developing great people. As a young team, we relish the opportunity to work with other young people who are interested in a career in the media. If there were any students interested in working within the media industry and would like some work experience we would be happy to take a selected few on to help with the project. As filming takes place on school grounds this would also be under the supervision of staff.

Please contact us if you’d like to discuss the possibility of shooting a video prospectus for your school, college, and university or just would like further information